Monthly Archives: November 2023

Finding Your Voice as a Writer

When I first started writing fiction, I desperately wanted to be Margaret Atwood. I read several of her novels and, consciously or not (probably consciously), my writing voice started coming out a lot like hers—only minus the talent and the authenticity because… (wait for it) I’m not Margaret Atwood. I didn’t sell a single short story.

          Many years later I decided to write a thing (it was sort of a prose poem but really, it defied genre) completely as “me.” It turned out quirky, funny (if you share my sense of humor, that is), and weird—rather like someone I know. When I finished it, I thought, well, that was fun. Maybe no one will buy it, but who cares? It sold to the first magazine I sent it to and was later anthologized.

Too much has been made of the process of finding your voice as a writer, and I think it gets us into trouble. We believe it’s something that it’s not and then we make it way more complicated than it needs to be.

Contrary to what you might think, voice is not just a way of talking or sounding. It’s a way of being in the world. And how do we ‘be’ except the way we already are?

We never have to think about finding our voice as a person. Our voice is everything about us; it’s who we are, how we see the world. Why would that be any different on paper than it is in real life? When we put pressure on ourselves to “find our voice,” whatever we end up finding becomes more like a persona, a disguise, and then it’s not our voice anymore. It’s fake.

The process is a lot like dating. When we try too hard to be something we’re not, it might work for a little while and then it just…won’t. Because it won’t feel authentic.

Listen to any interview with Margaret Atwood and you’ll notice she sounds in person exactly the way she does on the page. Same with Stephen King. They’re not making up some new entity who they suddenly become on paper. Even though they’ve both created numerous convincing and authentic characters who are completely diverse from each other, we can still identify an Atwood or King novel by voice alone. Why? Because the essential personality of the author shines through those characters. How could it not? They created them.

But is it bad or wrong to copy other writers when you’re just starting out?

Actually, no. It can be a great way to get started—almost like a nudge that coaxes your true voice out.

Another exercise worth trying is to choose your absolute favorite novel and copy it out by hand. I’m not suggesting plagiarism or even mimicry. Instead, this can be an effective learning tool. I once wrote out the first hundred pages of All the Light We Cannot See and was amazed by what I picked up that I’d missed in two readings of the novel. Writing it out by hand allows you to see firsthand how the magic has been created.

But when it comes to finding your voice, the main thing you need to do is stop putting up roadblocks and instead allow the process to happen.

How do you do that? Here are a few ideas.

  • Ask yourself: who are your favorite authors? What genres do you like to read? Explore what it is about them that appeals to you. Chances are there are some elements common to all of them.
  • Try Natalie Goldberg’s exercises in Writing Down the Bones of keeping the hand moving while you write. What this does is silence your inner critic. If you’re busy writing, they can’t get a word in edgewise, nattering that you should be writing X rather than the Y that you want to write, or telling you that you’re no good or the work isn’t coming out the way it’s supposed to.
  • Try Ray Bradbury’s idea in Zen in the Art of Writing of keeping word lists to discover your loves, your hates, your obsessions and fears. This was his way of finding his voice as a writer—which really amounted to nailing down who he was as a person. It might work for you.

Flannery O’Connor wrote: “The writer can choose what he writes about but he cannot choose what he is able to make live.” What we are able to make live is directly related to who we are and what we love. If what you love is cowboys and westerns, then chances are when you write about them, your voice will sing.

People used to ask Stephen King why he was “wasting” his talent writing horror. Why? Because horror is what he loves. And what exactly has been wasted? He is arguably the best horror writer in the world. If he had ignored his obsessions and tried to be a literary writer, there’s a fair chance he would not have been as successful as he is.

If you want to find your voice as a writer, just be yourself on the page. There’s nobody more suited to the task.



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Conquering the Middle: The Secret to Writing a Compelling Story

Writers often face a daunting challenge when crafting a captivating narrative: navigating the middle of the story. After the initial excitement of introducing characters and setting the stage, the middle can sometimes feel like a vast, uncharted territory, filled with potential plot holes and sagging momentum.

The key to overcoming this mid-story slump lies in understanding the purpose of the middle act and employing effective storytelling techniques to keep your readers engaged.

The Role of the Middle Act

The middle act, also known as the “development” or “exploration” stage, serves as the bridge between the inciting incident (the event that sets the story in motion) and the climax (the turning point of the narrative). It’s during this phase that your characters undergo significant growth, face challenges that test their resolve, and make choices that shape their destinies.

Strategies for Writing a Gripping Middle Act

  1. Raise the Stakes: The middle act should be a period of escalating tension and rising stakes. As your characters progress towards their goals, they should encounter increasingly complex obstacles and face higher consequences for failure. This keeps the reader invested in the story and eager to see how the protagonist will overcome the challenges.
  2. Introduce Subplots: Subplots can add depth and dimension to your narrative, providing secondary storylines that complement the main plot. They can also serve as a means of world-building, introducing new characters, locations, and conflicts that enrich the overall story.
  3. Deepen Character Development: The middle act is a prime opportunity to explore your characters’ motivations, flaws, and strengths. Subject them to internal conflicts, external pressures, and transformative experiences that reveal their true nature and drive their growth.
  4. Vary the Pace: Avoid monotony by alternating between fast-paced action scenes and introspective moments of reflection. This dynamic pacing keeps the reader engaged and prevents the story from feeling sluggish.
  5. Plant Seeds for the Climax: The middle act should subtly foreshadow key events that will occur in the climax. This creates a sense of anticipation and ensures that the climax feels like a natural progression of the story.
  6. Don’t Rush the Resolution: Resist the temptation to rush to the climax. Take your time to develop the middle act, allowing your characters to fully explore their arcs and the story to unfold organically.

Remember, the middle act is not a mere filler between the beginning and end of your story. It’s the heart of your narrative, the crucible where your characters are tested and transformed, and where the foundation for a satisfying climax is laid. By employing these strategies, you can craft a compelling middle act that will captivate your readers and leave them eager to see how your story concludes.

By Rima

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Character Type & Trope Thesaurus Entry: Lady of Adventure

In 1959, Carl Jung first popularized the idea of archetypes—”universal images that have existed since the remotest times.” He posited that every person is a blend of these 12 basic personalities. Ever since then, authors have been applying this idea to fictional characters, combining the different archetypes to come up with interesting new versions. The result is a sizable pool of character tropes that we see from one story to another.

Archetypes and tropes are popular storytelling elements because of their familiarity. Upon seeing them, readers know immediately who they’re dealing with and what role the nerd, dark lord, femme fatale, or monster hunter will play. As authors, we need to recognize the commonalities for each trope so we can write them in a recognizable way and create a rudimentary sketch for any character we want to create.

But when it comes to characters, no one wants just a sketch; we want a vibrant and striking cast full of color, depth, and contrast. Diving deeper into character creation is especially important when starting with tropes because the blessing of their familiarity is also a curse; without differentiation, the characters begin to look the same from story to story.

But no more. The Character Type and Trope Thesaurus allows you to outline the foundational elements of each trope while also exploring how to individualize them. In this way, you’ll be able to use historically tried-and-true character types to create a cast for your story that is anything but traditional.

DESCRIPTION: This self-sufficient and tenacious woman seeks out adventure and new discoveries, often breaking with the conventions of her time to do so.

FICTIONAL EXAMPLES: Arya Stark (Game of Thrones), Eowyn (the Lord of the Rings trilogy), Mulan (Mulan), Dolores Abernathy (Westworld), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

COMMON STRENGTHS: Adaptable, Adventurous, Alert, Bold, Confident, Courageous, Curious, Decisive, Efficient, Enthusiastic, Focused, Independent, Industrious, Passionate, Perceptive, Persistent, Resourceful, Spontaneous, Spunky

COMMON WEAKNESSES: Cocky, Impatient, Impulsive, Irresponsible, Obsessive, Pushy, Rebellious, Reckless, Self-Destructive, Self-Indulgent, Stubborn, Uncooperative, Volatile

Being street smart
Restlessness; needing to be on the move
Lacking patience
Thinking for herself
Rejecting the conventions that don’t suit her
Persistently pursuing her goals; seeing things through
Disregarding people in authority—specifically those who would try to force her into a specific role or keep her from certain activities
Avoiding long-term commitments (in case a better offer comes along)
Believing that romantic entanglements will slow her down

A romantic partner wanting to settle down
Sustaining an injury that affects her mobility
Getting pregnant
Rules changing that restrict women’s freedoms
Being saddled with additional responsibilities at home or work, making travel and adventure less possible

Has a stable home life, with children
Is elderly
Has an atypical trait: indecisive, nature-focused, sentimental, verbose, whiny, vain, etc.

The adventure-seeker with no flaws and all the skills needed to win
The lady of adventure who is able to physically defeat men despite being physiologically unable to do so



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7 Types of Nonfiction Books

Nonfiction books are a great way to learn about new topics, expand your horizons, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. There are many different types of nonfiction books available, so there is something for everyone.

1. History

History books offer a window into the past and can help us to understand the present. They can be about specific events, people, or periods of time. Some popular history books include:

  • A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
  • The History of the World in 100 Objects by Neil MacGregor

2. Biography and Autobiographies

Biographies and autobiographies tell the story of a person’s life. Biographies are written by someone else, while autobiographies are written by the person themselves. Some popular biographies and autobiographies include:

  • Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
  • Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin

3. Memoirs

Memoirs are personal essays that tell a story about a particular experience or period in a person’s life. Some popular memoirs include:

  • Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

4. Travel Writing

Travel writing is a genre of nonfiction that tells about the author’s experiences traveling to new places. Some popular travel books include:

  • Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon
  • The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara
  • A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson

5. Science

Science books cover a wide range of topics, from the history of science to the latest discoveries in biology, physics, and chemistry. Some popular science books include:

  • A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  • The God Particle: If the Universe Had a Beginning, What Caused It? by Leon Lederman and Dick Teresi
  • The Double Helix by James D. Watson

6. Self-Help

Self-help books offer advice on a variety of topics, such as relationships, career, and personal finance. Some popular self-help books include:

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  • Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

7. Business

Business books offer advice on starting, running, and growing a business. Some popular business books include:

  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
  • The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
  • Good to Great by Jim Collins

These are just a few of the many different types of nonfiction books available. With so many great books to choose from, you are sure to find something that interests you.

Tips for choosing nonfiction books

  • Consider your interests: What are you passionate about? What do you want to learn more about?
  • Read reviews: Reviews can help you to get a sense of a book before you buy it.
  • Ask a librarian: Librarians are experts at recommending books.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new: You might be surprised at what you enjoy.

I hope this blog has helped you to learn more about the different types of nonfiction books available. Happy reading!

By Rima

Visit us at First Edition Design Publishing

Write a Novel in 13 Steps



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How to Use Allusion Like a Master Storyteller

Allusion: A Powerful Tool for Storytelling

Allusion is a reference to a person, place, event, or literary work that is assumed to be familiar to the reader. It is a powerful tool that can be used to add depth, richness, and complexity to your writing. When used effectively, allusions can evoke strong emotions, create suspense, and even foreshadow plot points.

The Benefits of Using Allusion

There are many benefits to using allusion in your writing. Some of the most important benefits include:

  • Adding depth and richness to your writing: Allusions can add depth and richness to your writing by allowing you to draw on the shared knowledge and understanding of your readers. By referencing familiar characters, events, or works of art, you can instantly convey a wealth of information and emotion.
  • Eliciting strong emotions: Allusions can also be used to elicit strong emotions in your readers. For example, if you are writing a story about a character who is struggling with betrayal, you could allude to the story of Judas Iscariot. This allusion would immediately evoke feelings of sadness, anger, and disappointment in the reader.
  • Creating suspense: Allusions can also be used to create suspense. For example, if you are writing a mystery novel, you could allude to a famous unsolved crime. This allusion would immediately pique the reader’s interest and make them want to read more.
  • Foreshadowing plot points: Allusions can also be used to foreshadow plot points. For example, if you are writing a story about a character who is about to make a dangerous decision, you could allude to the story of Icarus. This allusion would subtly hint at the potential consequences of the character’s actions.

How to Use Allusion Effectively

While allusions can be a powerful tool, they can also be difficult to use effectively. Here are a few tips for using allusion in your writing:

  • Choose allusions that are appropriate for your audience: Make sure that the allusions you use are familiar to your target audience. If you use allusions that are too obscure, your readers will not understand them and your writing will lose impact.
  • Use allusions sparingly: Do not overload your writing with allusions. Too many allusions can make your writing seem pretentious and difficult to read. Use allusions only when they are truly necessary to add depth and meaning to your story.
  • Use allusions subtly: Do not hit your readers over the head with your allusions. Instead, use them subtly to create a sense of depth and complexity.
  • Make sure your allusions are relevant to your story: Make sure that the allusions you use are relevant to the point you are trying to make. Avoid using allusions for the sake of using them.

Examples of Effective Allusions

Here are a few examples of effective allusions in literature:

  • In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” the character of Juliet is compared to the Greek goddess Diana. This allusion suggests that Juliet is beautiful, chaste, and powerful.
  • In Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird,” the character of Atticus Finch is compared to the biblical figure Atticus of Athens. This allusion suggests that Atticus is a just and courageous man.
  • In J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series, the character of Lord Voldemort is often compared to the devil. This allusion suggests that Voldemort is evil and dangerous.


Allusion is a powerful tool that can be used to add depth, richness, and complexity to your writing. When used effectively, allusions can evoke strong emotions, create suspense, and even foreshadow plot points. However, it is important to use allusions sparingly and to make sure that they are relevant to your story.

By following the tips in this blog post, you can learn to use allusion like a master storyteller.

By Rima

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How to Create a Protagonist with True Depth

Some characters are so dynamic, we feel immediately close to them. Everything they say, do, and think is consistent with who they are, they have a past and present, and as we share their experiences, we never have to guess at what they feel, want, or need.

This authenticity happens when the author does the deep work to understand the character inside and out. And, I’m betting they did something else, too: created a reference file about the character, a.k.a., a Character Bible. This is a great way to avoid unintentional inconsistencies and mistakes.

And mistakes do happen, because we forget things —Does Emma fear lizards or birds?—or we change our mind mid-book, and the love interest, Liam, goes from being a skateboarder to the king of parkour. Oh, and name changes? Don’t even get me started!

The point is that nothing pulls readers out of the story faster than when details shift, so implementing a way to keep each character straight in our minds is key.

The Character Bible: A Writer’s Best Friend

A character bible document will contain important details about a character, everything from their appearance, personality, and preferences to their backstory wounds, goals, needs, and secrets. It has a trio of benefits:

  1. It pushes you to explore a character’s inner layers to figure out who they really are and what’s driving them in the story
  2. Once complete, the bible serves as a reference tool for you to ensure everything about the character is consistent
  3. Writing is easier because how the character thinks, acts, and behaves will be second nature to you.


What does your character look like? Do they have any interesting features that act as clues to readers as to the type of person they are? For example, hair: is their go-to a messy bun, is it chronically unwashed, or is every curl carefully tamed? Or do their clothes suggest a style preference or level of wealth? Do they have scars, marks, or defects that hint at an experience or trauma? Chosen well, specific details do a lot more than just help readers imagine what they look like.


Your character’s past affects the present, in good ways and bad. So, who has influenced them to date, either supporting them or limiting them? What personal challenges have they worked through? What negative experiences (emotional wounds) are unresolved, leaving behind fear, biases, and false beliefs about themselves and the world?

Answering these questions will give you a good sense of what their past was like, and the most likely things they will carry forward, like emotional baggage, a sense of duty, a compulsion to fix people, etc.

Personality Traits

Every character will have a unique personality made of positive traits (strengths & identity markers) and negative traits (flaws that keep people and situations at a distance so the character can avoid being hurt by them). Think about both halves – this character’s defining positive qualities, and those that create friction with others.

Moral & Spiritual Beliefs

All characters, even the baddies, will have a moral code. Do you know what beliefs your character hold to so strongly they make decisions and are willing to sacrifice other things to stay true to them? Where is their line in the sand, and what ideas are important enough to them to protect?

Emotional Range & Behaviors

Each person expresses themselves in their own way, and characters will too. Think about your character’s individuality – are they open and communicative about feelings, or keep them inside? Are they demonstrative, or more reserved, extroverted or introverted, or somewhere in the middle? What are their quirks and comfort zones? Understanding a character’s typical emotional range helps you choose emotional responses that feel authentic.

Fears and Misbeliefs

Every character has fears that result from negative experiences, because that dark seed is planted that the same sort of hurt could happen again. So, what fear is making your character a prisioner in some way, shaping their view of the world, themselves, and holding them back from being truly happy? Do they believe they are unworthy or incapable because of this fear, and this destructive lie is one they must cast aside to achieve their story goal?

Talents, Skills, and Abilities

A character should have a few things they are good at, or an ability that make them unique. Giving your character a talent or skill that aids them when it comes to their goal (even in an unexpected way!) will create a sense of synchronicity for readers.

Likes and Dislikes

What are some of your character’s preferences…and why? Will these preferences steer their behavior in the story in good ways and bad? (Yes, the answer is yes.)

Hobbies, Interests, and Passions

What does your character enjoy doing? For a character to be realistic, they should have a few personal interests that make life more enjoyable. These may not even tie into the bigger story, but they do humanize your character to readers.

Current Situation

Just like a character has a past, they have a present, too.  Note a few details about where they live, what their family situation is like, what job they do, the vehicle they use to get around, and any routines or habits that might show up in the story. Knowing your character’s life better will give you ideas on how you can poke their soft spots (people and places they are attached to) and choose conflict that will come with personal stakes attached.

What They Want Most

Every character wants something – a goal that will make their situation better and leave them happier or more complete. This is what your character is striving to do or achieve in your story.

This goal should be something tangible or quantifiable, so readers know the character has done what they set out to do.

What They Need

Sometimes what your character wants and what they need are a bit different. Maybe your character wants a new girlfriend to get past the pain of their latest breakup, but what they need is time to love themselves better and understand why they keep choosing toxic partners. Thinking about what makes them feel incomplete and why can set them on the path of a goal that will help them grow and make them feel more complete.


Every character has a secret (maybe more than a few!) so think about what they hide from others. Is there something that could create big problems for them if it was revealed, or does it tie into their unresolved emotional wound? (Readers love secrets, and a hint of one will keep them flipping pages.)


How do they view the world – do they believe most people are good, or untrustworthy? Do they put others first, or look out for number one? Do they have biases, avoid certain places and experiences because they have preconceived ideas about what will happen, or refuse to listen to certain opinions that go against their own? If so, try to understand how this might tie to their backstory experiences.

Insecurities & Sensitivities

Life is not always gentle, and experiences where your character’s ego was bruised, or their emotions upended may have left them feeling insecure or easily triggered. If there are emotions your character tries to avoid feeling, or situations they stay away from because they make them feel weak, inept, or emotionally volatile, make a note. These are pointing to past pain, and you might wish to use them in the story to push them to become more self-aware so they can start a journey to healing.

This may seem like a lot to know about someone, but think of how easy it will be to write this character’s thoughts, decisions, and actions. And by writing when you down these details, you’ll have a character bible to reference when you need it!



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How to write a story about the holiday season

The holiday season is a time for celebration, joy, and spending time with loved ones. It’s also a great time to write a story. The holiday season is full of inspiration, from the twinkling lights and festive decorations to the heartwarming traditions and stories that we share.

Here are some tips on how to write a story about the holiday season:

1. Choose a theme. What aspect of the holiday season do you want to write about? Is it the magic of Christmas morning? The warmth of family gatherings? The universal themes of love, hope, and peace? Once you have a theme, you can start to brainstorm ideas for your story.

2. Develop your characters. Who are the main characters in your story? What are their goals, motivations, and conflicts? The holiday season can be a time of great personal growth and change, so it’s a great opportunity to develop complex and relatable characters.

3. Create a setting. Where does your story take place? Is it in a small town with a quaint Christmas tree lighting ceremony? Or is it in a big city with bustling shopping malls and dazzling holiday light displays? The setting can play an important role in creating the atmosphere of your story.

4. Write a compelling plot. What happens in your story? How do the characters overcome their challenges and achieve their goals? The holiday season is full of potential for conflict and resolution, so make sure your plot is both engaging and meaningful.

5. Use vivid language and imagery. The holiday season is a feast for the senses, so use your writing to bring your story to life. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the season in detail.

6. Add a touch of magic. The holiday season is a time for magic, so don’t be afraid to add a touch of the fantastical to your story. Maybe your characters meet a talking snowman or receive a visit from Santa Claus. Or maybe they simply experience the magic of the season in a new and unexpected way.

7. End with a heartwarming message. The holiday season is a time for reflection and gratitude. Think about what the holiday season means to you and what message you want to leave your readers with. Your story could end with a character learning a valuable lesson, finding true love, or simply appreciating the simple joys of the season.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t be afraid to be personal. The best holiday stories are often the ones that are drawn from the writer’s own experiences. Share your own memories and traditions to make your story more authentic and relatable.
  • Don’t be afraid to be creative. The holiday season is a time for magic and wonder, so don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild. Come up with new and unique ideas for your characters, setting, and plot.
  • Have fun! The holiday season is a time for celebration, so enjoy the process of writing your story. Let your creativity flow and don’t be afraid to experiment.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to writing a heartwarming and memorable holiday story.

By Rima

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How to Write Lore That Will Deepen Your Fantasy World

Lore is the backstory and history of your fantasy world. It’s the stuff that makes your world feel real and lived-in, and it can be a great way to deepen your readers’ immersion in your story.

Here are some tips for writing lore that will deepen your fantasy world:

1. Start with the big picture. What are the major events and conflicts in your world’s history? What are the different cultures and societies that exist? What are the major religions and beliefs? Having a good understanding of the big picture will help you to create lore that is consistent and believable.

2. Focus on the details. The best lore is the kind that feels real and lived-in. To achieve this, focus on the small details of your world. What do people eat? What kind of clothes do they wear? What are their customs and traditions? The more details you can add, the more believable and immersive your world will be.

3. Make it relatable. Even though your fantasy world is different from our own, it’s important to make your lore relatable to your readers. This doesn’t mean that your world has to be exactly like ours, but it should have themes and ideas that your readers can connect with. For example, you could write lore about a war that is fought over the same resources that we fight over in our own world.

4. Use storytelling techniques. Lore doesn’t have to be dry and boring. In fact, it’s more likely to be remembered and enjoyed by your readers if you present it in a creative and engaging way. Use storytelling techniques like suspense, foreshadowing, and conflict to keep your readers hooked.

5. Show, don’t tell. Don’t just tell your readers about your world’s lore. Show it to them through your characters and story. For example, instead of telling your readers about a religious festival, show them a scene where your characters are celebrating the festival. This will help your readers to connect with the lore on a deeper level.

Here are some additional tips for writing compelling lore:

  • Make it mysterious. Don’t reveal everything about your world’s lore at once. Leave some things to the mystery. This will keep your readers engaged and wanting to learn more.
  • Make it relevant. The lore that you create should be relevant to your story and your characters. It should help to explain the world that your characters live in and the challenges that they face.
  • Make it consistent. The lore that you create should be consistent with itself. Avoid creating contradictions or plot holes.
  • Get feedback. Once you have written some lore, share it with other people and get their feedback. This will help you to identify any areas that need improvement.

Writing lore can be a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to make your fantasy world feel more real and immersive. By following these tips, you can write lore that will deepen your readers’ understanding of your world and keep them coming back for more.

By Rima

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Character Type & Trope Thesaurus: Bad Boy

In 1959, Carl Jung first popularized the idea of archetypes—”universal images that have existed since the remotest times.” He posited that every person is a blend of these 12 basic personalities. Ever since then, authors have been applying this idea to fictional characters, combining the different archetypes to come up with interesting new versions. The result is a sizable pool of character tropes that we see from one story to another.

Archetypes and tropes are popular storytelling elements because of their familiarity. Upon seeing them, readers know immediately who they’re dealing with and what role the nerd, dark lord, femme fatale, or monster hunter will play. As authors, we need to recognize the commonalities for each trope so we can write them in a recognizable way and create a rudimentary sketch for any character we want to create.

But when it comes to characters, no one wants just a sketch; we want a vibrant and striking cast full of color, depth, and contrast. Diving deeper into character creation is especially important when starting with tropes because the blessing of their familiarity is also a curse; without differentiation, the characters begin to look the same from story to story.

But no more. The Character Type and Trope Thesaurus allows you to outline the foundational elements of each trope while also exploring how to individualize them. In this way, you’ll be able to use historically tried-and-true character types to create a cast for your story that is anything but traditional.

DESCRIPTION: This rebel sub-type is a loner with a devil-may-care attitude. His confidence, charisma, and disregard for authority only add to the attraction of his physical appeal, which is usually significant.

FICTIONAL EXAMPLES: Dally Winston (The Outsiders), Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby), Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights), Han Solo (Star Wars series), Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

COMMON STRENGTHS: Adventurous, Bold, Charming, Independent, Observant, Pensive, Persuasive, Resourceful, Sensual, Spontaneous, Spunky, Uninhibited

COMMON WEAKNESSES: Abrasive, Addictive, Antisocial, Apathetic, Callous, Cocky, Confrontational, Cynical, Devious, Disloyal, Disrespectful, Evasive, Impatient, Impulsive, Insecure, Irresponsible, Lazy, Macho, Rebellious, Reckless, Rowdy, Self-Destructive, Selfish, Stubborn, Uncooperative, Volatile, Withdrawn

Appearing confident
Defying rules and authority
Knowing their own mind
Seeking out excitement and adrenaline rushes
Preferring to create their own destiny
Wearing clothing (often dark or black) that sets them apart
Always having a witty comeback
Struggling with emotional intimacy
Saying things just to rock the boat
Dismissing others’ opinions or experiences as invalid

Falling in love with someone and needing to be vulnerable in the relationship
Encountering someone with an even bigger persona than they have
Not being able to attain the object of their affection

Is in charge of a business or other corporate venture
Works for a charity that protects others
Has an atypical trait: nervous, nurturing, diplomatic, sophisticated, etc.

The vintage “cool guy” who dresses in black leather, smokes cigarettes, and rides a motorcycle
The vampire as a bad boy
A bad boy who is saved and redeemed by the love of a good girl



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